University of Massachusetts Lowell
O'Leary Library, 271M
Lowell, MA 01854
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Steps to Study Abroad
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Global Ambassador Program
Spring: October 15
Academic Year: March 15
Summer: March 15
Intersession: October 15
Fall: March 15
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Steps to Study Abroad

Note:  Most study abroad programs will have deadlines around mid October or mid March.  It is important to review the deadlines prior to starting an application.

  1. Develop an academic plan to include an international experience.  Meet with your academic advisor to review your Advisement Report and to see which courses abroad will fill academic requirement and how they will enhance your academic plan.  Consult the Office of Study Abroad & International Experiences website for the most current list of approved study abroad and exchange offerings:

  2. After speaking with your academic advisor and reviewing the international experiences available on our searchable database, begin researching your program options.

  3. Meet with a member of the Office of Study Abroad & International Experiences.  Call 978-934-4660 or email to schedule an individual appointment. Students should prepare for advising appointments by reviewing program options from the database and preparing questions for their study abroad advisor.

  4. If you do not already have a passport, or need to renew your passport, visit the Department of State Website for more information and apply/renew immediately:  Please note that some countries require that your passport remain valid for 6 months past the end date or your program abroad.  Double check your passport expiration date.

  5. Once you’ve decided upon a program, create an account on the searchable database , search and select ‘Apply’.  Complete the following four Application Materials:  1.) Communication Authorization; 2.) Disciplinary Clearance; 3.) Financial Aid Budget Worksheet; 4.) Study Abroad Application.  See deadlines above.

  6. Following your completion of the application materials, the Office of Study Abroad will notify you of your eligibility to participate in a study abroad program.  If you are deemed eligible, the status of your application will be listed as ‘Approved’.  At that time, you will be invited to proceed with the Enrollment Materials.

  7. If you have selected to participate in an Affiliated Provider-Led program, you will need to also complete the application process of this program directly on their website.  Thus, you will need to complete two application processes; 1 for UML approval (required by the provider and UML) and 1 for the provider.
Important Reminders

  • Cost & Financial Aid: There are programs available in a large range of costs. If you are eligible for financial aid while attending UMass Lowell, you may also be able to receive financial aid from UMass Lowell in order to study abroad.  It is important to complete the Financial Aid Budget Worksheet prior to speaking with a financial aid counselor.  This worksheet is can be found under the ‘Resources’ tab on the searchable directory or in the Office of Study Abroad & International Experiences.

  • Student Visas:  Most countries require students to obtain a student visa in order to study in their host country.  Applying for a receiving a student visa can be a lengthy process, so start to review your host-country requirements. Please consult the US Department of State’s website for specific information., as well as the Embassy of the country you will be studying in.  If you have a question about the visa process the country you will be studying in, please contact the Office of Study Abroad & International Experiences, to schedule an individual meeting.

  • Program Acceptance and Deposit: Most Affiliated Provider-led programs require you to pay a deposit fee to hold your place in the program.  Be aware of these fees and pay them by the deadline.

  • Attend the mandatory pre-departure meeting at the end of each semester. You will be notified via e-mail of the date, time and location.

  • Enter your personal information into STEP: Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.  This is a free service offered by the US Department of State for US citizens who are traveling abroad.

  • Transcripts from abroad:  Please arrange to have your transcripts from your study abroad program sent to the following address.  We must receive your transcript in order for you to get credit for your program.

University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Office of Study Abroad & International Experiences

61 Wilder Street, O’Leary Library, Room 271M

Lowell, MA 01854


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University of Massachusetts Lowell Office of Study Abroad & International Experiences